Matlab Drive

  1. Matlab Online
  2. Matlab Driver
  3. Matlab Drive Online
  4. Matlab Driver Program
  5. Matlab Drive Path
  6. Matlab Cloud

When I click on MATLAB Drive online icon I am able to reach the site and log in to the drive. When I try to access MATLAB Drive via Matlab, it tells me, that the folder does not exist but it has been configured in Matlab Connector. When I installed it for the first time, it was working fine, but. Takuji Fukumoto, an Application Engineer at MathWorks, shared a project with me that he created that uses capabilities of MATLAB Mobile™, MATLAB Drive™, MATLAB Online™, and ThingSpeak™. MATLAB® Drive™ Connector provides an easy method for managing your MATLAB Drive files on your local computer. With the Connector, files are synchronized automatically between MATLAB Drive online and your local MATLAB Drive when you have the Connector running.


Create apps with graphical user interfaces in MATLAB

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs), also known as apps, provide point-and-click control of your software applications, eliminating the need for others to learn a language or type commands in order to run the application. You can share apps both for use within MATLAB and also as standalone desktop or web apps.

  1. Obj = drive creates a connection, obj, from the MATLAB ® software to the NVIDIA ® DRIVE hardware. Use this syntax to connect or reconnect to the same hardware. You do not need to supply the device address, user name,.
  2. You are using an unsupported browser. If you see some unexpected behavior, you may want to use a supported browser instead.

You can choose from the following three ways to create an app in MATLAB:

  • Convert a script into a simple app: Choose this option when you want to share a script with students or colleagues and allow them to modify variables using interactive controls.
  • Create an app interactively: Choose this option when you want to create a more sophisticated app using a drag-and-drop environment to build the user interface.
  • Create an app programmatically: Choose this option when you want to create an app’s user interface by writing the code yourself.

Use the Live Editor to convert a script into a simple app that has interactive controls allowing others to experiment with variables in your code. Add sliders, dropdowns, edit fields, and buttons without writing any code. Specify what parts of the script will run when a value is changed. Hide the code to create simple apps and dashboards.

You can share your live script with others to use in MATLAB or MATLAB Online.

Interactive controls are good for creating an easy interface to a live script. If you want to design a more sophisticated user interface or want more control over the app’s behavior, you should consider building a standalone app using App Designer.

Learn More

  • Interactive Controls in the Live Editor (2:15) - Video
  • MATLAB Live Editor - Overview
  • Live Script Gallery - Example Live Scripts from the Community
  • Share and Collaborate Using MATLAB Drive - Documentation

Create an App Interactively

App Designer is an interactive environment that integrates the two primary tasks of app building: laying out the visual components and programming the app’s behavior. It allows you to quickly move between visual design in the canvas and developing code in the MATLAB editor.

You can share your app with others to use in MATLAB on the desktop or in a web browser using MATLAB Online. App Designer apps can also be packaged for installation into the MATLAB Apps tab. To share with non-MATLAB users, you can compile apps into standalone desktop and web apps using MATLAB Compiler.

App Designer is good for interactively designing your layout and programming its behavior in one environment. If you prefer, you can program the entire app yourself, including the user interface.

Learn More

  • MATLAB App Designer - Overview
  • Getting Started with App Designer (4:49) - Video
  • Component Gallery - Overview
  • Share and Collaborate Using MATLAB Drive - Overview
  • Package Apps in App Designer - Documentation
  • Getting Started: Standalone Applications Using MATLAB Compiler (3:58) - Video

For added control over design and development, you can also use MATLAB functions to define the layout and behavior of your app. In this approach, you create a figure to serve as the container for your user interface and add components to it programmatically.

A custom app with a GUI in MATLAB.

You can share your app with others to use in MATLAB on the desktop or in a web browser using MATLAB Online. Apps can also be packaged for installation into the MATLAB Apps tab. To share with non-MATLAB users, you can compile your apps into standalone desktop apps using MATLAB Compiler.

Learn More

  • Develop Apps Programmatically Using uifigure - Documentation
  • Share and Collaborate Using MATLAB Drive - Overview
  • Getting Started: Standalone Applications Using MATLAB Compiler (3:58) - Video

Additional Resources

  • MATLAB Apps (1:45) - Video
  • Writing Apps in MATLAB - Article
  • User-Contributed Apps with Custom GUIs - File Exchange
  • Building Image Processing Graphical User Interfaces with Modular Tools - Documentation
  • Data Visualization and User Interfaces - Consulting Services
  • Comparing GUIDE and App Designer - Overview

See also: MATLAB Compiler, MATLAB apps

Install MATLABDrive Connector

Matlab Online

MATLAB® Drive™ Connector provides an easy method for managing your MATLAB Drive files on your local computer. With the Connector, files are synchronized automatically between MATLAB Drive online and your local MATLAB Drive when you have the Connector running.

Step 1. Start Connector Installer

To start MATLAB Drive Connector installation, select the installer from within MATLAB or using the web download.


When you select a location for your MATLAB Drive folder, you cannot select a location on a network drive. Network locations do not sync correctly.

From Within MATLAB

From within MATLAB, click the MATLAB Drive button to start the Connector installer.

If you do not see the MATLAB Drive button in the Current Folder toolbar, right-click the toolbar and select Customize. Then, in the MATLAB Toolbar Preferences Controls section, select the check box for the MATLAB Drive control and select OK. MATLAB adds the button to the toolbar.

Using Web Download

This workflow does not require you to install MATLAB.

  • Go to the Connector download page.

  • To download and run the Connector installer, select , , or .

Matlab Driver

Step 2. Set Up Connector

When installation is complete, confirm or change your MATLAB Drive settings.

Matlab Drive Online

  • To change any of your selections, click .

  • To complete setup and synchronize your MATLAB Drive files between your computers and online accounts, click .

Matlab Driver Program

When the installer finishes, MATLAB Drive is ready for use on this computer. See Access Files for instructions on accessing MATLAB Drive.

Uninstall MATLABDrive Connector

Matlab Drive Path

Operating SystemInstructions
  1. Exit MATLAB Drive Connector.

  2. Go to the Control Panel, and select Programs > Uninstall a program.

  3. (Optional) If you are on a shared computer, clear your cached account information by deleting the MATLABConnector folder. The default location for this folder is C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalMathWorksMATLABConnector.

  1. Exit MATLAB Drive Connector.

  2. Open a Terminal window.

  3. Navigate to the MATLAB Drive Connector installation folder:

    VERSION is the MATLAB Drive Connector version, which you can find under Settings in the Connector; for example,

  4. Uninstall the Connector:

    1. Run the uninstaller:

      IDENTIFIER is a random string MATLAB Drive Connector generated at installation to identify your computer.

    2. Remove the app:

  5. (Optional) If you are on a shared computer, clear your cached account information by deleting the MATLABConnector folder. The default location for this folder is ~/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLABConnector.

  1. Exit MATLAB Drive Connector.

  2. In your system file explorer, navigate to ~/.MATLABConnector/v<VERSION>/<HOSTNAME>/bin/glnxa64.

    Where VERSION is the MATLAB Drive Connector version, which you can find under Settings in the Connector. HOSTNAME is the computer host name.

  3. Run from that location.

  4. In your system file explorer, navigate to ~/.MATLABConnector/v<VERSION> and delete <HOSTNAME>.

  5. (Optional) If you are on a shared computer, clear your cached account information by deleting the ~/.MATLABConnector/<HOSTNAME> folder.

Matlab Cloud

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