Ruby Cheat Sheet

  1. Ruby Programming For Kids

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Ruby Cheat Sheet

Ruby Programming For Kids

Ruby Cheat Sheet

# Ruby code reads a lot like English, which is good.
# But its syntax is a little weird looking if you're used
# to other common languages like C++, Javascript, Java, etc.
# (Or really, really weird if you've never programmed before!)

# Comments look like this, (with a pound symbol at the front of the line.)
# Commented lines are ignored.
# Ruby variables are pretty straightforward.
# They can contain any type. Let's create some variables.
a = 'Some string'
b = 5 # an integer
c = 5 + 5
d = c * b # d now contains 50, right?
e = 10.0 # a float
is_awesome = true # a boolean
another_string = 'This one has 'quotes'
my_point =, 0, 0) # an object provided by SketchUp
# Strings can be concatenated, like so..
first_name = 'John'
last_name = 'Doe'
full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name
# But to concatenate strings to non-strings,
# you must 'cast' them, with the to_s method.
age = 25
sentence = full_name + ' is ' + age.to_s + ' years old.'
# There are also methods for converting to float and integer.
my_float = 5.to_f
my_integer = (5.0 + 10.0).to_i
my_other_integer = '5'.to_i

# Methods can be called with or without parentheses.
# puts() prints to the console.
puts('Hello world!')
puts 'Hello world!'
# Methods are defined with the def/end/return keywords. You
# can put default values onto parameters with the = declaration
def do_square(val, return_integer=false)
my_float_value = val.to_f
square = my_float_value * my_float_value
if return_integer true
return square.to_i
return square
puts (do_square(5)) # Will print out 25.0
puts do_square(3.1, true) # Will print 9
# Arrays are declared with [] and have lots of handy methods.
languages = ['Ruby', 'English', 'SP']
puts languages.first # 'SP'
puts languages[1] # English
last_index = languages.length - 1
puts languages[last_index] # 'Ruby'
puts languages.last # 'French'

# Hashes are declared with {}, and can be initialized with
# values via the => operator. Both dot syntax and array access
# by key works.
hobbies = { 'scott'=>'games', 'tyler'=>'bikes', 'simone'=>'futbal' }
puts hobbies.scott # 'games'
puts hobbies['tyler'] # 'bikes'
that_italian_guy = 'simone'
puts(hobbies[that_italian_guy]) # 'futbal'
hobbies.tyson = 'Carpentry'
hobbies['John'] = 'Skiing'
# Arrays (and most every kind of object) have this neat .each method.
languages.each { |lang|
puts 'My favorite language is ' + lang
languages.each { |lang| puts 'My favorite language is ' + lang }
hobbies.each { |first_name, hobby| puts first_name + ' likes ' + hobby }