Brew Ansible

Ansible Role: Homebrew. Installs Homebrew on MacOS, and configures packages, taps, and cask apps according to supplied variables. If you prefer to manually update packages via brew commands, leave this set to false. Ansible is a universal language, unraveling the mystery of how work gets done. Turn tough tasks into repeatable playbooks. Roll out enterprise-wide protocols with the push of a button. How Ansible works. Crush complexity. Generate an Ansible Vault Password. On my mac I run: 1. Brew install pwgen. Brew install gpg. Brew install gpg-agent. This gets me my tools! Ok, so now I need to generate my pgp key. Doing this I just accepted all the defaults. Now I generate a password for the vault. Generate an Ansible Vault Password. On my mac I run: 1. Brew install pwgen. Brew install gpg. Brew install gpg-agent. This gets me my tools! Ok, so now I need. Linuxbrew ansible lint. Language English. Linuxbrew ansible lint Addeddate 2021-04-07 15:38:52 Identifier linuxbrew-ansible-lint Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.9.4. Plus-circle Add Review. Uploaded by on April 7, 2021. SIMILAR ITEMS (based on metadata).

I was blown away last night at our Ansible PDX meetup by a great presentation by Andrew Lorente about how to track secrets with your applications. Andrew gave a method of how to do this that I wanted to write down so I know how to do it. Andrew has his own blog here where he wrote about the solution. I wanted to go over it a little more in details cause I want to make sure it sticks in my head! (bonus: I also learned about the pbcopy command on Mac last night!) The other thing is since I didn’t have any of this on my machine it helps someone get started who hasn’t done anything with GPG yet.

His technique involves some pretty simple tools:

  • GPG / GPG-Agent

1. Generate an Ansible Vault Password

On my mac I run:

gpg--batch--use-agent--decrypt vault_passphrase.gpg

Then make sure I can run this file as an executable

Add this to my ansible.cfg file

Brew install ansible specific versionAnsible

Create ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

cat unencypted_passphrase|gpg-e-ovault_passphrase.gpg

Test that it works by trying to edit the file

Homebrew Cask Install